Even though you don’t think about it all that much, it should be on your mind the next time you see your internet bill. Purchasing your own cable modem rather than using whatever device your internet service provider leaves behind will probably save you money on your internet service by eliminating a needless equipment rental charge. It may seem ridiculous, ...

The Motorola Roadster 2 addresses the most important characteristics of a Bluetooth car kit – speakerphone performance and comprehensive hands-free control. It provides high-quality phone calls on both ends of a call with HD voice and effective dual-mic noise reduction. You can stream music and transmit your audio to your car stereo so that you can use your speakers to ...

Every aspect of the Motorola Roadster Pro’s design and functionality is about keeping your eyes on the road. It uses voice controls and motion sensors so that your hands don’t have to leave the steering wheel in order to make or answer a call, skip a song and mute the conversation. In addition, the four-mic system and dual-speaker design provide ...