PROS / You can blend and drink out of the same container, so cleanup is easy.
CONS / This is the loudest blender we tested.
VERDICT / This blender was less impressive on our ice crushing and smoothie making tests than some others, but the convenience is unbeatable.
No product in our blender reviews tops NutriBullet Rx for power. This unit uses 1,700 watts to break down fruits, vegetables and nuts. Yet in our tests, this blender didn’t create a perfectly smooth final product fast enough in most cases. All of our high-power blenders broke down foods, but most in our lineup did a better job of smoothing ingredients out in a short amount of time than this one.
We got decent smoothies with the NutriBullet Rx, but it took a little time and coaxing. The frozen fruits didn’t want to make their way to the blade. It broke down the ice but did so unevenly. The soup came out hot, but half of the machines in our comparison made hotter soup.
One way the NutriBullet Rx stands out in a good way is in its ease of use. There is just the one button so you really can’t go wrong. This machine is convenient for getting exactly the serving you want, too. It comes with three different pitchers, two of which are designed to use for drinking. Blending and drinking out of the same small container will save some dishwashing time. The blenders that come with just one large pitcher can feel like a lot to clean if all you made was a small amount of dip or a single serving of smoothie.
With the most power it is hardly surprising that this is the unit that made the most noise of any in our comparison. This is not really a huge issue if you live alone, but if you need to make a smoothie in the wee hours of the morning and the rest of your household is asleep, it may lead to discord. It can also make enemies if you live in an apartment complex with relatively thin walls. If you are looking for a quiet blender, this is not going to be the right fit.
The warranty on this machine is pretty short comparatively, and there are not that many customer support options. The manual should answer most questions, though.
The NutriBullet Rx did break down the foods we used to test, but other machines generally did so more quickly and with slightly better results. This may still be a good option if your main concern is convenience, though. This machine is so easy to use and clean, and you can blend and drink out of one vessel, which can save you some time.